Friday, 18 April 2014

The Maze Runner By James Dashner

The Maze RunnerThe Maze Runner by James Dashner
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Maze Runner started out very confusing, so i didn't think i'd like it.

The words the boys used were really weird, so for 15 pages, i was completely lost.
I really think there should be a little dictionary at the back, explaining what the words mean. It would have been really helpful.

Thomas was clever, and really brave, so he should have made for a good character.. but i didn't find myself liking him that much.

The pace did pick up a little bit, so i did start liking it. Though, it didn't really last long, because it went though quite a large dull part, before becoming interesting again.

Overall, it was an okay read, but if it wasn't for the fact that i already own the sequels, i might not have bothered continuing the story.

View all my reviews

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