Tales from the Graveyard: The Complete Collection by
Susan Shultz
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
(I received a copy from Netgalley, In exchange for an honest review.)
Overall rating - 2.7/5The Blacksmith -
2.5I felt a bit sorry for the main character in this at the start, but that only lasted a chapter, and then I just found her weird.
This fell flat for me unfortunately, and I just found it weird.
Jessie -
2.75This one wasn't quite as bad as the first one, but I still didn't enjoy it that much.
I'm hoping there's another improvement with book three.
Dirt -
2.75This one was about the same as the last one. Weird, and couldn't keep my interest very well, but not as bad as the first book in the series.
I'm glad there's only one more left.
Sam -
2.75This one, just like the previous three books, was weird and boring. It dragged quite a lot, but it was nice to know that once it was over, the whole collection would be over!
Overall;This collection wasn't one that I enjoyed unfortunately. I found the stories more weird than creepy, and they just couldn't hold my interest. They felt a lot longer than what they were because of how much they dragged, and I was very relieved when I got to the ending of the last story!
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