My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Overall rating - 3.5
Pieces of Me By Kira Adams - 4 Stars
I felt really sorry for Peyton at the start. Bullying is a horrible thing to go through, so i could understand why she felt so low. As the book progressed though, so did she. By the end of the book, she was a completely different character!
There was a few things that happened in this that i didn't expect, which was good, as it kept my interest.
I'm looking forward to reading book two, which is from Jace's point of view.
Overall, A decent read.
The Right Song By Shane Morgan - 3.5 Stars
Aurora was an okay character, but it took me a while to warm to her enough to really like her. I really wanted her to get the confidence to sing, and I was glad when she finally did.
Out of the all the guys, I liked Daegan the most, and really wanted Aurora to end up with him.
The pacing in this was fine, although there was points where I wanted a few things to get a move on. I found the majority of the book to be enjoyable though, and I didn't expect the twist regarding one of the boy's family.
Overall, A decent read.
Revenge of a Band Geek Gone Bad By Naomi Rabinowitz - 3 Stars
I felt sorry for Melinda, as being bullied is bad enough, without having your mother making comments about your weight all the time as well. I didn't love her as a character though, and unfortunately, as the book progressed, I liked her less and less. She annoyed me quite a lot.
This started out alright, but I lost interest. I just didn't find any of the pranks very funny, and unfortunately, I found most of the rest quite boring.
Overall, Alright read, but lost interest.
Straight from the Heart By Breigh Forstner - 3 Stars
I felt quite sorry for Bryn at the start, as she was being pressured into living a life she didn't want to live. I could understand why she didn't want to stay at home any longer.
There was a few times where I felt quite bored while reading this, but as the book wasn't all that long, it wasn't too bad thankfully.
This ended on a cliffhanger, which was quite annoying. Want to see what happens in book two now!
Overall, Alright read, but glad it was only short.
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