My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Let the Sky Fall looked good, but unfortunately, it was only good for making me sleepy.
The characters were okay, but they could be quite annoying!
Vane could be immature at times, and didn't take anything seriously. I get that hearing you're not human, and learning what you are would get you thinking "Are you serious?" and taking everything Audra said with a pinch of salt.... but when she shown him what he could do, he should have started to listen to her, and take things seriously.
I wouldn't like hearing that i'd soon have to cut food out completely, and i'd have to get up really early to train... but if i knew i had to do it, i would. Vane on the other hand, was being a child about it - Telling her that he refused to get up so early to train. Grow up, Vane!
Audra was also quite annoying, but she didn't annoy me as much as Vane did.
The pacing in this was a bit slow for me, and i was bored for the majority of it.
When something happened, i still felt bored.
Overall, slow, dull, had annoying characters.
Can't say i'm looking forward to book two.
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