My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Say Her Name wasn't a scary read at all.
Bobbie was an okay character, but she had some annoying moments - Especially at the beginning.
Her friends were worse though, and i couldn't bring myself to like them, or care about them really.
For a Horror, you would think there would actually be some scary bits, but there wasn't. There was one part where i thought "OMG i'd freak" but that only lasted for about two seconds.
One of the chapters was quite good, but i couldn't see why they started freaking out about what they saw. There was a more sane explanation on why they were there, but instead of thinking about it, they immediately thought it was Bloody Mary.
The ending was okay, but by that point, i just wanted to finish it.
Overall, not scary, had annoying characters, and felt longer than what it was.
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